Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Youtube Launches New Service That Lets You Edit Your Videos Online

I created WebXplorer account on Youtube last week. An hour ago I was fooling around with one of the Nepali music videos, which I finished creating, by adding different soundtrack (Perfect Circle's - The Hollow) as the background music instead of the original. I was thinking of using Youtube Remixer (BETA) tool to do this stuff, but it kept giving me error after error. Therefore I ended up using Microsoft Movie Maker 2.1 which is a free video editing utility that ships with Windows XP service pack. I uploaded the contents, both original as well as remix, to my WebXplorer account on Youtube for you guys to see. Tell me what do you think about it.

Youtube RemixerYoutube Remixer is actually Adobe Premiere Express Edition. It doesn't have jam packed features. For that you'll probably need Pro tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro Edition. But once it becomes fully operable* it will allow you to create the video like the one I've created using Movie Maker without using any other tool besides your web browser.

Some other sites offering similar kind of video editing service are jaycut.com, jumpcut.com,
motionbox.com, dabble.com, eyespot.com, mojiti.com (Only lets you add annotation to your videos), photobucket.com among dozen others.

Screenshot of Youtube Remixer (The New Feature Available to Youtube Members)

I'm a newbie on video editing so please don't expect much from my video.

*Currently the feature of adding external audio to the video isn't available.

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