To find the content that is offensive is very easy over the Internet (I'm sure you already have plenty of stuff relating to this in your mind). In fact, they usually take viral form and spread across very quickly after their release. You don't have to go and search for them - they will literally come and find you. What's missing in the translation of such content is the complete picture, which if you knew earlier you wouldn't have fallen for those to start with. Their nature would be to tap the viewers' emotion and provoke hate and anger towards certain topic it is referring to instead of positively uplifting it. By watching those our very sense will become defenseless and will begin to enjoy what others consider as a form of Entertainment and might even end up spreading them. My implication isn't that watching them is a wrongful deed and each and everyone who produce such content should be condemned. I'm fairly certain that they will continue to be there forever. The only thing I'm concerned about is the message those type of contents deliver to the people exposed to it, including minors who have as much accessibility as adults these days. All I'm trying to suggest is being a viewer you'll have use your best judgment and read between the lines. Mankind is referred to as the most intelligent being there ever lived and will ever be in this world because of the fact that we have a capacity to think. But if we don't think enough - the very reason that makes us superior will be proven as false. And worst outcome is possible if we actually begin to believe in all those messages promoting hate-culture. Till now we've only seen the political geographic boundary as the only thing coming between how people interact in general. But this new medium has got potential, if remain unchecked, not only to reinforce all the negativity that are already present, but also to create new ones which will be much tougher to beat once people start believing in it.
As a test simply visit any of the mass media content delivery sites such as Youtube and try to view the popular content (having at least 10,000 hits) which you personally think is false (I know that some of us will find more things on the Internet that contradict our belief and some will find less). After you've finished watching it try to go through the comment section. You'll be amazed at how many people support the message it is trying to deliver. I don't mean that there won't be anyone like you who doubt its authenticity, but you'll find plenty of people who will outnumber your type (including ones who just started believing in it after watching it). Of course there is a content rating system that lets you flag the inappropriate contents, but I honestly doubt its effectiveness especially if it appears to be friendly but is actually hostile underneath that has a power to disrupt even what seems like the unshakable foundation of our faith system.
So in this era marked by abundance of information, it's up to us to be an all rounded aware person who has got values and principles that genuinely support others' well being. We can view this opportunity of free flow of information as new found democracy which could be shaped into something significant by keeping a positive outlook. Or we can become arrogant and hard-headed who continues to support such disruptive behaviors that undermine others personally and interpersonally and blow away the opportunity we once had.
It is truly up to us to retain our sanity.
Food for thought: With great power comes great responsibility. (Spider Man)
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