“Bring forth what is true
Write it so it’s true
Defend it to your last breathe”
- A famous mathematician
As a child, I was raised to grow up with the idea of 'truth' being finite. I was told that everything could be explained in simpler terms. And that every question has got a simple and effective answer.
But later as I grew older and got in a position to think for myself, I found out that all of those childhood concepts happened to be just a shielding shell that’ll make us want to live our life without entangling ourselves in the web of consistent uncertainty that we don’t see coming at us. And so called 'truth' was rather flexible and definitely was infinite. It was flexible to an extent that all the false statements could be proven as if they were true. Only thing required was the majority, which could be attained in many ways. One of the ways is through shrewd politics, and the other one is through the realization that we often term as ethics. I mentioned politics first because it is a tool often misused by people whenever they’ve to declare something as truth - even if it was in-fact true. The politics add drama to the otherwise boring situation that might cause any fun loving-easygoing person to lose his/her interest in it faster than a lightening vanishing into a thin air.
Again we are programmed to give attention to the odd and irregularly dramatic news because those are the ones getting hit on the front page of every news. (How else do you all think Hollywood is able to keep its entertainment business alive by focusing on rather simple concept and extending it into an hour and a half movie which you HAVE to complete because you don't know how it is going to end?)
All we can do is helplessly hope for the 'real truth' to be discovered such that the unreal ones won't mutate our thoughts with their logical trapbox. I've referred them as logical because if you notice carefully you'll find most the unreal ones have logical appearance to them which is very deceiving and are quite hard to prove their falsehood. Especially if you believe in logic rather than open-ended thinking (for the sake of simplicity), it's bound to trap you and make you its victim who doesn't know how to think outside of the box. But the ones who actually think outside of the box won’t believe into something stupid like these right away. They’ll insist on gathering more proof behind the truthfulness of such statements, which might actually take longer than anyone is aware of. This might trigger the person coming up with simple answer to redecorate it by attaching sufficient bells and whistles so as to convince those who oppose their thoughts. And by the time they've finished decorating with all the flares and creating never before heard or seen footage, the concept will be so complicated that even the 'real truth' will seem as if they're absolutely fickle.
By that time we'd have lost the significance of simplicity in the quest of finding it.
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